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Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant mainly used recreationally for its euphoric effects. It is primarily obtained from the leaves of two Coca species native to South America, Erythroxylum coca and Erythroxylum novogranatense.

NOTE: Follow this tutorials only if you are a true proffesional chemist, otherwise you would harm yourself

How to create Cocaine:

You will need:

- Kerosene

- Solid Na2CO3

- Distilled H2O

- H2SO4 5%

- Solid KMnO4 (6% Solution is used)

- NH4OH 10%

- HCl 37%

- Acetone

- Diethyl Ether

1) Open 5 kilo bags of coca tea bag by bag and put the content in a bucket.

2) Prepare a solution containing 900gr of Na2CO3 dissolved in 9,5L

3) Mix 4,750 grams of dried crushed coca leaves with this solution, using 1900ml of solution for each kilo of leaves. The mixing procedure is carried out in small batches of 500gr to distribute the water evenly. The leaves don’t get too wet: water hardly comes out if you squeeze a handful.

4) Put all the moistened leaves in an open top 50L container. Wait for 30 minutes and then add 25L of kerosene to the container. Leave the mixture for 3 full nights (totalling ~60hours) and during the course of the 3 days, stir at least 4 times in sessions of about 10-15mins using a drill mounted with that tool used by plasterers/decorators to mix buckets of paint with water.

5) After 3 nights, separate the kerosene from the leaves (no water layer forms). Pour all the kerosene on top in another 50L container filtering it with some nylon stockings to prevent leaves from getting into the receiving container. Put all the remaining leaves, little by little, in a bucket with holes on the bottom while squeezing the kerosene out into a receiving bucket under the one with holes (a nylon stocking is to be used again between the 2 buckets). Pour all the kerosene in the other 50L container.

6) Prepare a 5% w/w solution of H2SO4 (this passage was done earlier). Perform 2 extractions with 5% H2SO4. The first one with 300ml the second with 100ml. Shake the container very hard each time (some emulsions form but almost nothing) for 30 minutes which allows it to separate. Recover the acidic water layer on the bottom each time using the old suck into the tube trick: put the container 1 meter above ground, tilted 45% and then a Polypropylene tube is attached to a rod driven inside the container to point at the lowest possible spot inside the container and perform some sucking on the other end of the tube. The H2SO4 should start to come into a receiving container along with some kerosene as well towards the end. The 400ml of H2SO4, that we should call ‘agua rica’. Put some kerosene in a 1L sep funnel and let sit for ~30 minutes then separated. Filter the emulsion and some more agua rica should be recovered.

7) A solution of 6% KMnO4 is then prepared and chilled in the fridge (this passage was done earlier). An ice bath is prepared and the put the beaker containing the agua rica to chill until the temperature reaches 4-5° C. The colour of the liquid is reddish brown like red beer. Every 5-10 minutes Add 16ml of the KMnO4 solution with vigorous stirring. Make 8 additional ones, totalling 128ml. Wait for 30 minutes and then filter the solution. Let the MnO2 stay on the filter and the resulting liquid (oxidized agua rica) should become fairly colourless.

8) Prepare a 10% w/w solution of NH4OH (this passage was done earlier). Slowly add an excess of this solution until the pH is around 10. Carefully do this by making sure the pH does not rise above 10 since it would damage the alkaloid. The Cocaine freebase starts precipitating and after about 20-30 minutes, filter the solution. Let everything dry overnight and perform some more drying in the morning after completing in the oven. Dissolve the resulting material in ~100-150ml of ether in the same container used the day before and some dark brown goo should be left on the container that stayed on the bottom (probably still a little bit of water and some inorganic salt); It should not be difficult to pour all the ether on a Pyrex baking dish to evaporate without pouring the goo. Once evaporated, a very nice crystal formation should be seen and the white freebase is to be recovered with the aid of a razorblade which should weigh around 23,13g. The cocaine base should be around 4750g, and leaves should be around 0.48%

9) Dry 240ml of acetone with anhydrous potassium carbonate and an equimolar quantity of HCl (6.58ml) and add it. A calculation should be done considering that only ~230ml are going to be used. Dissolve the freebase in 240ml of ether and the acetone/HCl solution is to be added by stirring. Cap the beaker with a cling film to prevent solvents from evaporation. After ~30 minutes, perform some more stirring and add some more acetone/HCl. Drop it wise until there was no more visible reaction (this can only be done when the solution is let sit for a little bit and is clear and not milky, as you would not notice it).

10) Wait for 3 hours and filter the solution. Dry the filtrate. Yield (Cocaine HCl): 24,14g Cocaine HCl / 4750g leaves = 0.5%

Credit , kernelware

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